5 Reasons Why Summer 2K14 Was the Best

5. Leo Burnett fiestas

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I met the coolest people this summer during my summer internship at Leo Burnett. I was lucky enough to become super good friends with my intern group family. I’ll definitely miss them, but I know our paths will cross again.

4. Spain gave me permission to live there

I GOT MY VISA! After months of planning, gathering paperwork, and jumping through a dozen other hoops, I finally have my wonderful, beautiful visa.

3. Logi and I celebrated 5 whole years together!

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WOAH! Logan and I have been together for 5 years now. It’s amazing how much we’ve changed and grown since we first started dating. I’ m supa lucky to have this goofball in my life. And even after 5 years I still like him 😉

2. My roommate was also my BFF



Kayla and I got to spend soooo much time together this summer, which was absolutely amazing. I leave for Spain in a little over a week, so this summer was some good quality sister time before I leave. I’m so lucky to be a twin, and to have Kayla as my other half.

1. We welcomed Asiago to the Waisath Clan

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If you don’t follow me on Instagram, maybe you aren’t aware of my obsession with Asiago. Kayla adopted Asiago from Paws in June, and it’s been super fun watching him grow and play and be crazy (I know I sound like a weirdo cat lady). There’s something about having a pet that brings a certain life to your home, and you can bet our little crispy nugget has brought a lot of joy to our apartment.


Was this the best summer ever for you?! I hope so!

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You’re never too old for a petting zoo


So a couple weekends ago, Kayla, Logan, and I put on our explorin’ boots and set out for some mini adventures. After a half dozen stops or so on the red line and we were in Chinatown! They were having their annual summer festival, and like most Chicagoans, we are suckers for a good street fest . Obviously the best part of the festival was this little petting zoo! Look at Kayla cuddlin’ up to a lil piggy and cow friend (take note: Kayla is not smiling at the child trying to feed the piglet, but rather giving the poor toddler side eyes).



I had never been to Chinatown, and didn’t realize it was such a huge, vibrant neighborhood. The festival was packed with culture *wooooot,* and local cuisine, but  we decided to eat at a local place instead of one of the booths.



This place was INSANE (sorry, can’t remember the name). No one spoke English, there were cooked ducks (with their heads still on) hanging in a giant oven, and a ton of people speaking Chinese. And those are the things that made this place awesome! I got this super tasty shrimp and egg rice dish at the low low cost of $4!



Logi bought this super tasty Chinese desert. I think it was called Lotus Paste? Either way it was delicious and unique.




The weekend fun doesn’t stop there. Logan and I also toured around a small neighborhood called Andersonville. It feels like a charming suburb, but It’s really just a quick trip down Clark street. Andersonville has a lot of charming boutiques, cool restaurants, and a bunch of hipsters.



My favorite part about Andersonville is this Mediterranean place. Chicken schwarma wraps for $4!!! Nomzzzz




Have you explored any new neighborhoods?

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